MidgieBite Media, Lisa Dendy Massage Therapy / Rainbow Lion Wellbeing and Stories with Lisa May Young have teamed up to bring you a new project exploring our shared experiences of lockdown life in Scotland.
We’re living in momentous times, and we believe everyone’s story deserves to be told. We want you to send us your stories, so we can look back in the years to come on the people of Scotland living their lives in lockdown.
Show us your new daily routines; working from home, ordering groceries, daily exercises, keeping in touch with friends…
Show us how you’re keeping busy; your walking routes, any new skills you’re learning, the books that you’re reading…
And, if you’re comfortable, tell us about your mental and physical health. We know it’s not easy, but we hope by sharing our experiences we can offer each other support and remind ourselves that we’re not alone.
Send us your clips from now until Friday 31st July. Send us your submissions to gavin@midgiebitemedia.scot – and if the file sizes are too big, try WeTransfer or get in touch.
If you’re having any problems sending us your files, just let us know!
Clips sent to us will be compiled together into a video which shows what life was life in 2020. Contributors can send as few or as many submissions as they like – though we’d ask submissions to be in a landscape (16×9) format where possible. Please note that we might not be able to use all the clips, we’ll need your consent to use the clips, and terms and conditions will apply.
We hope this project will allow us to share our stories, bring all of us a little closer together, and be something that we can all look back on in the years to come. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!